We offer premium Web presence providers in India, originally operational under the brand name Full-featured Website Hosting is provided by means of variety of packages on the Linux and Windows platforms. Our packages are designed keeping the common requirements in view. We can also build a custom package for you, if you feel your requirement does not fit well in our current plans.
Our value-driven web hosting solutions and exceptional service will get you up and running quickly! Our hosting packages feature the latest in today's technology and start at just Rs. 1000 per annum and include a 30 day money back guarantee.
Choose the Hosting Platform of your choice:

We provide superior hosting on Linux and support the same through our higly technical and qualified staff. Assurance on Linux hosting comes from years of experience on the open source platform, to provide fastest and most economical mode of enabling applications on the web.
Storage Space
POP3/IMAP4 Mail boxes
FTP Account
SSH Account
Sub Domains
MySQL Support
Wireless Application Protocol
htDig Index Server
Data Transfer (MB/month)
Email Aliases
Email Forwardings
Mailing Lists
Perl5 Support
PHP4 Support
Free CGI Scripts
Web Based Mail Manager
Daily Web Based Site Statitics
Raw Log Files
Disk Space Monitor
Custom Error Pages
Password Protected Directories
Server Side Includes
Real Audio/Video HTTP Streaming
Web Based Control Panel
Web Based Database Management
JSP / Servlets Support (Optional)
Application Servers Supported:
Apache Web Server
Qmail Server
Our Windows 2000 Shared Web Solutions provide a fast and reliable platform for Microsoft developers to establish and maintain a professional web presence at an affordable price.
Storage Space (MB)
POP3/IMAP4 Mail boxes
FTP Accounts
DSN for Microsoft Access
Microsoft Windows Media Streams
Microsoft Transaction Server
Wireless Application Protocol
Microsoft Index Server
Data Transfer (MB/month)
Email Aliases
Email Forwardings
Mailing Lists
Perl Support
ASP Support
ASP Components
Web Based Mail Manager
Daily Web Based Site Statitics
Microsoft SQL Support (Optional)
Application Servers Supported:
Microsoft Frontpage 2000 Extensions
Internet Information Server 5
Office 2000
New accounts are setup as soon as the same or next business day. Most accounts are setup within a few hours.
We host web sites all over the world, regardless of which country a domain name is registered in.
If you exceed your account limits, we will not charge you. You will be notified and given the appropriate options.
Additional traffic is billed per MB per month.
The number of POP3/IMAP4 mailboxes for each plan includes 1 master mailbox and remaining number of configurable mailboxes.
Hosting plans can be upgraded at any time FREE of charge.
All of our servers are in conjunction with high speed network cards and hubs designed specifically for the type of services we provide. We use Cisco routers to give us fast and reliable direct connectivity to multiple Internet backbones.
Virtuozzo is the most recent server virtualization and automation technology which allows dynamic partitioning of a single physical server into multiple Virtual Private Servers (VPS).Virtuozzo creates multiple isolated VPSs on a single server to share hardware, licenses and management effort with maximum efficiency.
Each VPS performs and works exactly like a dedicated server for its users and applications as it can be rebooted independently and has its own root access, users, processes, system libraries and configuration files.
If you need a Dedicated Server Like environment with your own root access with LOW BUDGET, VPS is the answer.
For details on Pricing and Features please feel free to submit your inquiry to us.